"Parque Real" - Exotic birds Puyo


                                                A collection of some of the most beautiful birds in the world is Puyo. This is a very interesting bird zoo where you will learn a lot about a great variety of birds and birds brought from the far corners of the Earth.

The actual exotic bird park is located today in facilities suitable for breeding and management of these species, the area is suitable for bird care and all are healthy. The place is very nice and has excellent trails adorned with gardens of wild plants. The park has one hectare of land and houses around 500 birds from around the world.

Source: http://www.pastaza.com/atractivos/parque-real/

Barrio la Unión. (Detrás de la Iglesia.) Sector Barrio La Merced de Puyo.
                                                                Lunes a Domingo. Desde las 8:00 hasta las 17:30
Rate USD $
Price from: 1
Price to: 3

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